Successful purchase of a business

Our client was considering purchasing a restaurant business in Sydney for the first time when he contacted our office and he was unsure as to what he had to do to ensure that he was making an informed choice. At the time, the client was consistently getting pressured by the seller of the business to pay the entirety of the purchase price immediately without any written agreement.

Our principal solicitor, Mark An, communicated with the relevant parties on behalf of the client and worked with the client for two weeks to ensure that a Contract for the Sale of Business and a new Lease of the business premises containing the terms acceptable to the client were prepared. The client was able to start operating the restaurant business successfully within a short period of time as he originally intended to do so with the benefit of a considerably lengthy lease.

dismissed on the day of hearing

Our client was charged with numerous domestic violence offences of serious nature due to the allegations made against him by a relative and contacted our office one week before the hearing after representing himself up until that point in time. Upon obtaining instructions from the client and undertaking a detailed review of the Police’s brief of evidence our principal solicitor, Mark An, noticed that there were flaws in the case brought against our client by the Police.

Mark engaged in negotiations with the Police until the morning of the hearing when the Police decided to drop the charges against our client and no longer pursue the criminal proceedings against him. This was a huge relief to our client who was facing possible loss of employment if he was to be found guilty of any of the charges.

Representation of a client in an internal investigation by an employer

Our client was employed by a well-known organisation in Australia which commenced an internal investigation in response to allegations of misconduct involving him made by his colleagues. Our client was immediately suspended from his employment when the investigation commenced.

When our client initially contacted our office, he was distressed with everything that were happening to him.

After obtaining the relevant instructions from our client, we exchanged numerous correspondences with the client’s employer conveying his perspective as to the allegations of misconduct brought against him by his colleagues.

The employer eventually concluded that the allegations of misconduct made against our client were false and immediately reinstated his employment. Our client became promoted by the employer a short time later.

Successful first home buyers

Our clients were first home buyers who were in search for a suitable property for them to reside in due to the increasing rental costs in Sydney. They were overwhelmed with the legal process involved in purchasing a property when they contacted our office.

Our office provided the clients with comprehensive legal advice and attended to their enquiries on a timely basis to ensure that they did not feel that they were by themselves in the process. We also undertook numerous contract reviews for the clients until they eventually found the suitable property for them.

Our office worked with all the relevant parties to the transaction on a consistent basis which led the settlement to take place as scheduled without any issues and our clients were able to move into the property immediately afterwards while there were only several days remaining for their existing residential tenancy agreement to be terminated.

Building dispute

Our client was a builder involved in the construction of a residential property in Sydney. At an early stage of the project, the homeowners unilaterally terminated the building contract and prohibited our client from accessing the site.

Our client had to commence proceedings against the homeowners in the NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) to seek his loss and damage as it was not possible for him to negotiate a resolution of the dispute with them.

We represented our client throughout the proceedings before the NCAT which proceeded to a hearing of three (3) days’ duration. Through meticulous preparation, the NCAT determined in our client’s favour which led him to be able to successfully recover his damages and legal costs from the homeowners.

Purchase of an interstate business

Our client was based in Sydney who was considering purchasing a motor mechanic business in Queensland. After searches, he was unable to find a solicitor based in Sydney who could assist him.

We assisted the client to have negotiated terms of the purchase accurately documented in a written Contract for the Sale of Business. We then communicated with the landlord for the assignment of the existing lease of the business premises to our client during which the landlord became evasive. The landlord then refused to give consent to the assignment of the lease citing reasons that were nonsensical and contrary to the terms of the lease.
Although the Contract allowed our client to get out of the purchase and recover his deposit if the lease of the business premises was not assigned to him, he wanted to purchase the business as he already made plans for him and his family to relocate to Queensland.

We continued to communicate with the landlord on behalf of our client reminding her as to why her conduct was not legally acceptable. The landlord eventually gave consent to the assignment of the lease of the business premises and our client was able to successfully complete the purchase of business.

Early resolution of parenting proceedings

Our client had recently separated from his ex-partner who was refusing him to spend any time with his children. This caused significant stress to our client who valued having close relationships with his children.

Our client had to commence parenting proceedings in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia against his ex-partner to seek relevant parenting orders relating to his children as he could not reach a resolution with the other side when he participated in the Family Dispute Resolution himself.

The matter was referred to mediation by the Court at an early stage of the proceedings. We undertook significant preparations with our client for the mediation. During the mediation which took a full day, the other side agreed for Consent Orders which were exactly the same as the orders our client was seeking in the proceedings to be made. This enabled our client to be able to spend time with the children and become involved in the making of long-term decisions affecting them.